63.Programming Assignment 13-using numpy, pandas and matplotlib

1.Do the following matrix operations 
of two matrices

2.Find the
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a given matrix

3.Solve the system of linear equations
2x1+3x2 +5x3= 10

4.Write Python program to write the data given below to a CSV file.(university question)
SN Name                        Country              Contribution              Year
1 Linus Torvalds           Finland Linux      Kernel                      1991
2 Tim Berners-Lee        England               World Wide Web      1990
3 Guido van Rossum     Netherlands         Python                      1991

5.Given a file “auto.csv” of automobile data with the fields index, company, body-style, wheel-base, length, engine-type, num-of-cylinders, horsepower, average-mileage, and price, write Python codes using Pandas to read the csv file and do the following
1) Clean and Update the CSV file
2)Find the most expensive car company name
3)Print all toyota car details
4) Print total cars of all companies
5) Find the highest priced car of all companies
6)Find the average mileage of all companies
7)Sort all cars by Price column

6.Given the sales information of a company as CSV file with the following fields month_number, facecream, facewash, toothpaste, bathingsoap, shampoo, moisturizer, total_units, total_profit. Write Python codes to visualize the data as follows
1) Toothpaste sales data of each month and show it using a scatter plot
2) Face cream and face wash product sales data and show it using the bar chart
3) Calculate total sale data for last year for each product and show it using a Pie chart.


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