
About the Course Python For Machine Learning - CST 283 - KTU Minor

CST283 :PYTHON FOR MACHINE LEARNING CATEGORY:MINOR L T P :3 1 0 CREDIT: 4 YEAR OF INTRODUCTION:2019  Preamble: This is a programming course for awarding B. Tech. Minor in Computer Science and  Engineering with specialization in Machine Learning. The objective of the course is to provide learners an insight into Python programming, and develop programming skills to manage the development of software systems. It covers programming environment, important instructions,data representations, intermediate level features, Object Oriented Programming and file data processing of Python. This course lays the foundation to develop web applications, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence-based applications and tools, Data Science and Data Visualization applications. Prerequisite: Nil Mark Distribution Total Marks      CIE Marks      ESE Marks      ESE Duration 150                          50                     100                          3 Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern: Attenda

Comparison List ,Tuple ,Set , Dictionaries

  Python provides several built-in data structures, each with its own characteristics and use cases. Here's a comparison of lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries in terms of their properties and common use cases: Lists: Mutable: Lists are mutable, meaning you can modify their elements after creation. Syntax: Defined using square brackets [] . Ordered: Elements are stored in a specific order and can be accessed using indices. Use Cases: Suitable for situations where you need a collection of items that may change, such as a list of tasks, items in a shopping cart, etc. my_list = [1, 2, 3, 'apple', 'orange'] Tuples: Immutable: Tuples are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be modified after creation. Syntax: Defined using parentheses () . Ordered: Similar to lists, elements are ordered and can be accessed using indices. Use Cases: Suitable for situations where you want to create a collection of values that should not be changed, such as coordinates or dim

Python For Machine Learning - CST 283 - KTU Minor Sample Question Paper and Answer Key Dec 2021

  APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY THIRD SEMESTER B.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2020 Course Code: CST283 Course Name: Python for Machine Learning Max. Marks: 100   Duration: 3 Hours   Duration: 3 Hours   Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 marks Marks 1 Describe any three formats used with print statement 3 2 Explain with example the usage of any three methods from math module. 3 3 Write a Python program to find the sum of even digits in a number 3 4 Illustrate the use of functions with an example 3 5 Write a Python program to find the frequency of each word in a string using dictionary. 3 6 Distinguish between List and Tuple 3